Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Like...stage parents

Teagan is suffering through her eardrops and ear cleaning like a champ. She has already stopped scratching her ear and shakes it much less. But she's got a greasy-looking ear due to the medicine. She'll need a nice bath and beauty treatment when her drops are done.

Daisy is fascinated by the ear drop process and after it is over, follows Teagan around and sniffs her ear. Teagan just looks at her mournfully as if to say, "You're lucky kid- you don't know what it's like..."

Teagan is getting a special trip from the animal behaviorist next week to help her be less skittish around children. And since education is sooooo important to us, she's getting signed up for her "Manners Package" at dog school where she'll learn not to pull on her leash and jump up on people. If a trainer can get her to stop pulling at her leash and whining when she sees another dog- I'll name my first born child after them. Unless they're named Mildred or something. I do have some limitations on that...

Also, my friend Michelle found a bumblebee dog toy for her puppy Winston.

A bumblebee dog toy just like the one in Best in Show and I'm so jealous. I want a busy bee for my dogs (preferably 2!)- if anyone sees one- alert me! I know what you're thinking- "Please don't become a crazy dog show person". I have to admit- we DO subscribe to the L.L. Bean catalouge and prefer Macs and have a blog for my dogs....but that's beside the point. I need a busy bee! Don't make me say it again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're so cute!!! I got mine at PetSmart--- in the center kiosk. Maybe that helps? I hope Teagen feels better- a sick dog is the worst.