Thursday, October 30, 2008

My dogs hate Halloween.

OK, as promised, here are the girls in their Halloween costumes:

Daisy is giving me the dirtiest look.

Teagan just looks embarrassed.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Slobber city.

Halloween costume pics coming soon... this years theme is winged insects. So far, they hate their hats. Daisy also tries to eat Teagan's costume. Chaos ensues. You understand. Hence, I haven't attempted photos.

In other news:

Teagan began her second level dog obedience class and she performed wildly beyond my expectations (which were considerably lower since she has decided to become crabby on her leash) and I'm super proud of her. My plan: work on her behavior modification on the leash and get through her training before the winter holidays in hopes that she'll be a nice, well-behaved dog when we visit people's homes. She's already pretty well-behaved but a little refresher course ( mostly for me) does help!

Look at those perfectly well-behaved dogs!!

I have to admit, this week I've had a reminder on how good I've got it with my dogs. We're watching our neighbor's bull mastiff, Brunson. He weighs more than me and my husband. And because he is super-sized- just imagine that his slobber, farts, snores and grunts are also larger than life. SO Gross. I've decided I can never complain about my dogs being dirty again. He's very sweet though and the girls love him, especially Daisy. Odd couple huh?!
If you're not familiar with the breed- I've put up a couple pics- one complete with slobber so you can witness the insanity that is bull mastiff owners:

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Daisy's pointy eared twin is funny.

This is so funny to me because the dog sort of looks like Daisy.

Open Letter to Teagan and Daisy.

Dear Teagan and Daisy,

I've got a couple things to say:

Daisy- you KNOW that if you don't go potty before bed- you have to hold it until we get up the next morning. Those are the rules. I don't appreciate you waking me up at 4:30am when you know we get up at 5:30am . I know you had to go but you're telling me you couldn't tough it out for one MORE hour? Your bladder is small but it should have been empty. Was that really necessary?

Teagan- you KNOW that you're not supposed to eat the stuffing from your blue koala or pink elephant. So that is why I was kind of grumpy when you decided to throw up whatever that horrible stuff was on your blanket right after I got back in bed at 4:40am. Let's be sensible here. You're not a cat- you don't do hairballs.

And this goes for both of you- toilet paper is not a toy and is not to be shredded all over the bathroom and bedroom floor while I'm in the shower. Teagan- don't even try to tell me it was all Daisy's idea, I saw a bit of tp in your mouth. You're just as guilty. You guys are SOOOOOO in the dog house.

...but I still love you. And yes, you're right, we did have a nice walk in between the super early bathroom break/vomit and the toilet paper fiasco. But still...

The Hand That Feeds You

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

For your viewing pleasure

I can't get enough of cute animals with funny captions. I just can't....

Friday, October 10, 2008

For all my bffs.

Word- all my single friends complain that they get labeled crazy cat ladies but what about those crazy cat men huh?!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Marathon Dog

Teagan is my favorite running partner.

We run three times a week and I don't think I'd be where I'm at in training if not for her.

Yes, I'm one of those people who hates to run solo. I need something- an ipod, a person, a keep me company. I get too lost in my head otherwise!

My husband hates running and claims his ankle is damaged. And we all know it is just that he's lazy and why doesn't he just admit it but whatever...I'm not judging... :P

Most of my human friends who run are way more advanced than me and I always feel like I'm slowing them down. And I'm usually right...

Teagan's one of those running partners who is a waaaaay better runner than you but doesn't bring it up so you don't feel bad and keeps you motivated by her awesomeness. Love her!

She's a way better runner but I have to say I WORE HER OUT yesterday. It was awesome.

Go me! Go Tea! Here's what she got for being such a good dog...I'll get a pic of her in it next week!


Daisy passed her Canine Good Citizen test with FLYING COLORS! She didn't even need a "do-over". You go girl!

Now she wants a nap. :)

Friday, October 3, 2008

Dog Debate!

After watching the debate last night, the dogs finally made their choice of candidates. They've been hearing my husband and I squabble over our preferred candidates for months but instead of tipping it in one direction or another- they've kept us at odds.

Teagan decided to go with Obama/Biden because she feels like they understand her poor, working-class roots as a stray and a shelter dog. Plus, she really hate the flute and most musical instruments.
Daisy decided to go with McCain/Palin because she likes lipstick. And some pitbulls. And the phrase, "You betcha!".

We thought we might get them some shirts to show off their election day favorites: