Sunday, March 22, 2009

Mo's "Dogs are stupid and I am the superior species" face.

In other news: He has recently taken to tucking his paws under this area rug when he lays down. Are his paws cold? Is he ashamed of the size of his massive feet? Either way- pretty cute.

Doggy Update

My dogs love to get too close to the camera.

Daisy celebrates St. Patrick's Day by attempting to drink from a beaded necklace beer mug. She must be Irish...

Daisy gets a pedicure complete with glittery red nail polish.

Teagan isn't impressed.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Friday, March 6, 2009

And now it's 70 degrees outside...

It snowed earlier this week and while Teagan was thrilled to go snuffling around in the cold flakes, Daisy preferred her warm bed and a chew bone. The snow bunny Teagan was so excited, I couldn't get a picture of her sitting still!

The pups in the snow: (Note that Daisy is hiding under the table, where there is little to no snow...)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Daily Dose of Dog Kisses.

If you think they're being fresh, you're probably right.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Proud Moment

I pretty much assume that when I go on walks with my less than perfect dogs, and Teagan lunges and barks and scares her fellow dogs passing by that people are thinking "YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG!" and judging my poor, sweet and leash aggressive Teagan.

To remedy these moments, Teagan and I walk or run in the early morning, when no one but me and the scary strangers in the bushes are out and about. I've avoided our busy, dog-infested greenway like the plague.

However, over the weekend, it was SO beautiful and I couldn't resist taking her on a nice 4 mile run on the trail, even though I knew it would be packed with screaming kids on bikes and possibly bad-mannered dogs, Teagan's least favorite things.

And Teagan was WONDERFUL. Almost perfect. I'm So proud of her. I wish I could speak dog so I could tell her how proud I am of her. Every time a dog passed by, I'd tell her to look, click and she got a treat. She barely even attempted second glances. AWESOME. Even better were the good vibes she got from all the passerbys. Teagan loved the admiration and attention she got from everyone. All the people passing by would "awww" and smile at her.

And the best part- when we were in one of our "look" moment, as Teagan sat and fixated on the treat in my hand, a couple walking past with their unruly labs (I know the feeling) said to their dogs, "See guys, that's how you should behave- that's a good, trained dog!"


If they only knew...

Friday, February 6, 2009

B-day V-day

Teagan's birthday is February 14th. So fitting for such a lovable dog right?

I'm considering making her a peanut butter "cake" made from dog biscuits. I mean, you only turn 2 years old once right? Although she may just prefer a big rawhide and a long run...

I've looked up some recipes online for doggie birthday cakes...I guess I'm not the only one who likes to celebrate their pooch's birthday!

I'm favoring this one since Teagan's a huge fan of peanut butter:

Peanut Butter Carrot Cake
Naturally sweet, colorful and flavorful, this cake is simple and easy to make. Great for Fall.
1 cup flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 cup shredded carrots
1 tsp. vanilla
1/3 cup honey
1 egg
Mix flour and baking soda. Add remaining ingredients. Pour into greased 8" round cake pan and bake at 350° for 30 minutes. Let cool. Puree cottage cheese in blender for icing. Decorate with more peanut butter.

Teagan's thoughts are best summed up with...

http://funny pictures of dogs with captions
see more puppies

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I'm a softy...

The girls miss their dad and they've been extra snuggly this week. They've been my little shadows all week! They're so used to snuggling up by the fire with him and I think they feel a little lonely. Here they are in their regular evening spot...Except do you see something wrong with this picture? I think it was a girls against boys moment.

Since I've got to work upstairs all week, I set up a blanket for them to lay on while I worked upstairs in the office so they wouldn't whine at the bottom of the stairs. Pretty cute, except Teagan decided that she was going to make herself comfortable on the guest bed. And I felt too sorry for her so I let her. Just a fair warning if you come to visit, you might be sharing it with dogs.

SOOO Spoiled but so cute!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Leaving on a jetplane.

We've had so many trips this year that I'm almost completely overloaded. After this upcoming surprise trip, I refuse to step foot on a plane until March. Plus, I'm sad to leave my pups once again.

Of course, I think that I'm probably more upset than them.

But first, my dogs are going to attend (well, sort of ) their first baby shower. I guess we should start working on Teagan not hating the new nephew huh?

OK, well maybe this is asking a little much huh?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Santa Paws came and spoiled the pups. The grandmoms did some spoiling too. Now my dogs think they're allowed to lick dishes in the dishwasher. Thanks Mom.

Here are some doggie holiday highlights: