Friday, July 18, 2008

Daisy's going to school!

Daisy just got signed up for her Canine Good Citizen class! She begins in August and I'm pretty excited for her. I know she'll love it.

We're doing it through Teamworks this time. They have classes for agility, flyball, tracking and therapy so both Teagan and Daisy could benefit if we decide to do more classes with either one. They also have competition classes (music, circus dog stuff) which totally cracks me up.

So far- Daisy can sit with a verbal command or hand signal. She is working on stay and come with a verbal/hand command. I haven't introduced her to "fetch" yet but I have a feeling she'd love it. The one thing I'll say about having two dogs- I feel like I don't have enough time to give attention to both of them! I run alone with Teagan ( Daisy can't keep up with her little legs) and I plan on playing fetch with only with Daisy to see if she catches on this week (without Miss Know-It-All Teagan stealing the ball) but I just don't know if that's enough! So much work to be done! So little time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are SUCH a good Pet Mommy!!! :) Winston is in puppy training classes- we are still working on sit (depends on what kind of treat is in my hand to whether he sits or not!!!)! Good Daisy and congrats!