Thursday, July 24, 2008

I hate mosquitos!!

If you're like me and you live in the Southeast, you know this year is particularly damp and warm- hence more mosquitos than average. I think this is the worst it has been since I moved here 4 1/2 years ago. I have been able to ward off bites in years past with the best all-natural mosquito lotion ever- Anders Natural Soap Company's Mosquito B-Gone. However, the ticks have also gotten really bad around here and this summer, I was diagnosed with lyme disease and had to go through three weeks of treatment. Good news- I'm lyme-free now and shouldn't have any long term, serious effects. It has made me extra cautious with my dogs too!

The little ladies are on Frontline Plus which protects against flea and ticks. (So why haven't they developed this for people??) But not mosquitos. Unfortunately for the dogs, I can't rub my awesome lotion on their fur and I don't want to use a spray with a bunch of nasty chemicals in it. And worse- they get swarmed by mosquitos. I have to bat away clouds of them from my pups in the yard! I recently found a bug spray especially for dogs- Ark Naturals NEEM "Protect" Spray. It works pretty good- it has citronella in it and my dogs don't like the smell so I use it sparingly but it has made a big difference in the mosquito clouds.

Did I mention that I HATE mosquitos??

Now I just need to find a nice chew bone that doesn't give them the runs...any suggestions??

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