Monday, December 8, 2008

Maybe Santa Paws will make it up to them.

So with the holiday season approaching, you'd think we'd be busy dressing up the dogs in reindeer costumes and singing carols or something but we've been much too busy going insane.

I don't even have time for holidays this year. The dogs are thrilled.

Between finals, the hub's graduation ceremony and visiting relatives, sick people, working on my thesis proposal/thesis committee, end of the coaching season and planning a trip to Japan for next month, I haven't even THOUGHT about the holidays. Except to realize that we'll be in a car, with 2 dogs and a cat, for 15 hours in a couple weeks. OMG.

Needless to say, most of the shopping is being done online. And we've decided to scrap the cards this year. The dogs are going to get rawhides and blankets, nothing fancy. Sorry ladies.

However, just in time for our holiday visit with her cousin, Oliver Henry the puppy, Teagan has officially passed her Canine Good Citizen test. You go girl!

And maybe, one day, I'll get a picture of them remotely near the fireplace. Until then- wish me some sanity...and a little holiday cheer!

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