Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I'm a softy...

The girls miss their dad and they've been extra snuggly this week. They've been my little shadows all week! They're so used to snuggling up by the fire with him and I think they feel a little lonely. Here they are in their regular evening spot...Except do you see something wrong with this picture? I think it was a girls against boys moment.

Since I've got to work upstairs all week, I set up a blanket for them to lay on while I worked upstairs in the office so they wouldn't whine at the bottom of the stairs. Pretty cute, except Teagan decided that she was going to make herself comfortable on the guest bed. And I felt too sorry for her so I let her. Just a fair warning if you come to visit, you might be sharing it with dogs.

SOOO Spoiled but so cute!!

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